I went home to Cape Cod, Massachusetts this weekend to visit my family. It was Spring Break at SBCC - a perfect time to skip town. After a red-eye on Tuesday night (through which I slept like a log, thanks to my "gear" - eye patch, ear plugs, hooded jacket and neck pillow), I landed in FREEZING cold Boston (it was around 30 degrees - in Rochester I would have thought that was balmy).
I took the bus back to the Cape, but the fun began before we even left the terminal. The bus driver attempted to pull into the next designated bus stop at the airport, but couldn't because of a fancy, sleek black car which was parked right in front of the bus stop sign. Our don't-f%#k-with-me driver (who looked like a very normal, boring person) laid on the horn. Nothing happened. He laid on it again. Still no sign of life from the car. Someone wondered out loud if it was even occupied. The bus driver then pulled up and angled himself next to the fancy, sleek black car. He laid on the horn again, this time for at least a full minute. Still nothing!!! We could see that there was a guy in there, so the driver opened his door and yelled, "You can't stop here!" The driver rolled down the window and said in the most pathetic whine I've ever heard (better than any of my preschoolers), "But I'm waiting for someone." The bus driver obviously did not give a crap and told him to pull up. The bus driver then proceeded to pull into the bus stop - which was void of passengers! He concluded the show by telling us that on the day he retires, he's going to knock the mirrors off everyone who gets in his way.