We spent our layovers at Narita airport on our way to and from Thailand. The following is a list of our favorite things about this airport.
1. It's incredibly quiet. After a long flight (12+ hours) on a loud airplane, this airport is just perfect for resting ones ears. There was no music playing over the intercom. The security agents at the security checkpoint were practically whispering to us. When we tried to walk through the wrong metal detector, no one barked at us. They simply whispered, "Go through this one, please." When the flight was ready to board, the gate agents held up signs announcing which groups were boarding. When they wanted to remind us to please show our passports along with our boarding passes, the agent simply walked among the travelers holding up a sign with that message.
2. The food court is wonderfully simple. There were a few restaurants offering a variety of foods, such as Italian, sushi, and noodles. We chose the noodle soup and it was deeeeelicious! Who'd ever think you could find delicious and healthy food at an airport?! The women working at the food court wore face masks. A little creepy looking, but at least you know they're not sneezing onto your food.
3. The best thing about Narita Airport..........the bathrooms!!! Everything is automated (except the flusher, which is a bit odd). There are little chairs to put your child in while you wash your hands. And, the best thing about the bathrooms???? The toilets! Western style (thank god) and amazingly advanced. Look at the picture of the instructions on how to use the various toilet tools.

The toilet user has the option of playing a "flushing sound" to muffle toilet sound, playing the sound of running water and changing the volume of that sound, washing the rear and using a deodorizer with increased absorption strength for removing odors.
I find this toilet an interesting comment on Japanese culture. Don't rock the boat, even while on the pot!