My mother is an incredible seamstress and I am lucky that she taught me the basics about sewing. I really enjoy sewing and I don't do it nearly enough. When I do drag the machine out, I love to make quilts for the new babies of my friends and cousins. Unusual combinations of colors and patterns make it interesting, and I love the idea of creating something that will keep a baby warm. Here is a close up photo of my latest project. I made it for Kaelyn, the daughter of my dear friends Karen and Kevin.
Eric has been researching new cars. His Maxima is literally falling apart - last week, on the way to lunch with his coworkers, a fellow Citrite went to open the door and the entire handle and cover came off in his hand. The engine runs great, but you can't get out of the car! Anyway, he's ready for a new one. Leaning towards an SUVish thing so we can go camping without having to feel like we're doing a puzzle trying to arrange everything in the car so it fits. Eric has also been kicking butt at Citrix Online.
Rosie has been doing a lot of lying around, catching the frisbee, running, walking, smelling stuff and being really cute.
Welcome to the blogosphere! I spend inordinate amounts of time coasting around here, and I'll stop back often. And, if it's sewing your interested in, check for a group. bazillions of photos linked to blogs. You could get lost in it forever.
Hey I love your quilt H.. or what I could see of it.
I think Eric should get a pink jeep.
The picture of Rosie with the big tongue is my background on my computer. :) So cute!
That's funny that the car handle fell off in Eric's hand. Did you see Little Miss Sunshine? Pretty soon the whole door will fall off!
Love you both!!
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