Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thanks to Donna, we shower with a bucket

To lower our water usage, Eric and I now shower with a bucket. Sounds funny, but it's actually pretty cool. We got a nice blue 10 qt. bucket and stuck it in the shower. Since our shower takes forever to warm up in the morning, the bucket catches the 5 or so quarts the shower spits out before the water gets warm. Then, we leave the bucket in there and stand in front of it so it catches any residual water bouncing off our rock hard muscles. It is usually full by the end of the shower. Then, we use it to flush the toilet or water the plants outside.

Ta da! Saving at least 20 quarts a day! That's at least 7,300 quarts a year.


Anonymous said...

I want a bucket! That's a great idea! Simple is good.

Now I just need some rock hard muscles so that the water doesn't just roll off flabbily. Another option is to throw nonexistent money at the problem, like we have, having discovered that we were paying for more wind energy than we actually use. I hope some clueless people are enjoying our wind energy...

Hannah said...

Actually, I might have stretched the truth a bit there - I do have proof that the water doesn't roll off flabbily....

Hannah said...

Wait, I mean, the water definitely does just roll off flabbily....