I drive a stick shift, so that makes some of this easier.
1. Accelerated slowly
2. Short shifted
3. Approached red or yellow lights slowly (downshifting when necessary) so that I used my brakes as little as possible
4. Coasted down hills when possible (slightly scary, but fun, too)
5. Went the speed limit on the highway (this was hardest to do - everyone speeds here in Cali)
I didn't think these actions would make that much of a difference, but apparently, they do! I did the math twice just to make sure I really did get 34 MPGs. So cool.
If you're interested, here is a site that I found very useful:
I must say that many of those ideas I think are pretty freaking crazy, like turning your car off to coast or drafting off of a big rig. No thanks. I'm not that nuts, just a bit.
Oh, one more thing - I love how these gas saving techniques have made me drive more slowly and calmly. It's nice not to feel like I'm in a rush. I just cruise along, comforted by the thought that I'm saving gas ($$$$).
Big Ben chillin' at Figueroa Mountain
hahaha...i was totally going to write that in parentheses right after "freaking", but i couldn't bring myself to swear!
I have one additional suggestion that I came up with on my own:
Wait to start your engine AFTER you have put on your seatbelt, adjusted the seat, rolled down the windows, picked that booger, and hooked up your ipod to play "smooth operator" on repeat. same goes for turning off your car. Turn the engine off the minute you are done with it and then undo your seatbelt, roll up the windows, etc.
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