I finally got up the guts to try cloth diapering. I must say that I love it! It's extremely satisfying knowing that less of Eliza's pees and poops are going to clog up our landfills. We still use the disposables (called "'sposies" by those in the cloth diapering world) at night and when we go out, but at home, during the day, it's all cloth. The laundry isn't so bad and it's not nearly as gross as I thought it'd be. I'm now venturing into using the wool soaker diaper covers that Mom and I knitted. It's amazing that they work, but they do! Here's a shot of some diapers drying in the lovely winter sunshine.
My family is crazy about Dinosaurs! Not really. Actually, we've all been cooking from the Dinosaur Bar-b-que cookbook. Julia introduced us to this DEEE-licious cookbook. It really is amazing stuff. We've all made at least a couple dishes now and all of them have been outstanding. Most of the recipes incorporate bar-b-que sauce, which they have a recipe for. Make it - it's worth the effort. They call it "Mutha Sauce". Julia thought it was pronounced "mootha". How cute :-) So, if you're craving some good, good, good food, get yourself a copy of this book. Yum, yum.

We have become friends with the owners of Takenoya, a Japanese restaurant here in town. We happened upon it when it had first opened four years ago and we still love going there. Denise and Robert, the owners (and also brother and sister), invited us to their Chinese New Year celebration yesterday. Their mother was visiting from China and she brought with her gifts for Eliza. Here's a picture of her wearing gold bracelets, which are a traditional Chinese gift for newborn babies. The beautiful silk necklace is a good luck charm. Their mother went to a temple and had it blessed for Eliza. After we put it around her neck, she held onto the silk cord the entire time. So sweet.
The New Year celebration was fun! We ate yummy food, including dumplings which are traditionally served at New Years. Robert and the restaurant staff made 386 dumplings! Wow!
yay! you updated your blog!
DINOSAUR!! I've been to that restaurant. It's right in Rochester. The food is soooo tasty. I had no idea they had a cookbook. This is like a whole new world...
Yep, Roch-cha-cha! I never actually went when I was there, but I can believe that it's great because their recipes are awesome!
ooooo yay! you are posting again. :o) i love the photo of the diapers in the wind. very cool! and i LOVE the photo of eliza. sooooo cute!!!
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